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salvarael Lalique@ 4:51pm 10-07-2020
Dear Master Gurudev.
Your vision is divine, and exactly like mine, may God and his angels help and support this mission for Italia Assisi so our mission will be completed according to Gods will and plan. God bless you abundantly for your immense support in this matter. hoop to meet you soon. Hallelujah SanatKumara & Lady Master Venus
Salvarael Lalique@ 12:29pm 09-29-2020
I would like to invite you to my Pillars of Creation Sanctuary in Holland where stars are born. like the Holy Madonna. perhaps we can make a appointment and set a date for your visit so we can discus the matter. with blessed regards. Salvarael
Master Shree Gurudev@ 2:14pm 09-28-2020
Thank you so much to take care of my son and Daughther Paul and Ellie ,hey is now divine and one with my consciousness these two souls come from Venus to save planet earth from E.T And the ,Aliens his Channel on YouTube is shantideva777 tonight hey will go live your work will be bought for €33000 and be transported to Italy Assisi and more then 700 Million souls will be blessed with your holy secret art.your reward will be great you will be a ascended Master.your Beloved Boddhisatva SANAT KUMARA & Lady Master VENUS. GODS ETRNAL BLESSINGS FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE ALL YOUR PRAYERS HAVE SAVED MANNY SOULS AND YOUR HOLY WORK HASH CHANGED THIS PLANET.
Timothy Connor@ 9:38pm 10-24-2019
Exquisite, spiritually elevating work. A gift to humanity. Wishing you blessings and continued youthfulness and good health. <3
horacio cifuentes@ 9:48am 08-01-2019
Dear Salvadore, greetings from Berlin. As you may remember we communicated a few months ago. We do share the same passion about embroidery. I have been doing this since my teenage years.
I was wondering if you teach private classes, and if yes would you consider teaching me? Please do let me know, I am absolutely fascinated by your work and would love to learn from you, especially your roses. They are divine!!!!!
Waiting for your answer, your greates fan, horacio
Susanne Villeneuve@ 11:03pm 07-14-2019
Thank you for sharing your story and your beautuful creations with the world. My sermon today was on the Power of the Rosary. I only had time to talk about two miracles - there are many more! Your experience is a powerful witness.
Many Blessings
Rev. Susanne Villeneuve
Paul Victory@ 2:15am 07-25-2018
Thank you so much for your spiritual friendship it is a balm for my soul.

Many Blessings .Paul.twittername @victory _paul
Brian@ 12:31am 04-02-2018
Such magnificence and blessing!
André Hage@ 10:28pm 09-28-2015
Lieve Salvarael,
Blij u ontmoet te hebben in Ootmarsum! Het was heel speciaal om uw energie in u en uw werk te mogen voelen. Samen met mijn vrouw Julia, mijn dochter Simone en mijn zoon René heb ik een hele fijne middag gehad en genoten van uw mooie schilderijen, gemaakt met naald en draad. Tevens vond ik het fijn om Harm te ontmoeten. We komen graag eens terug. Heel veel dank voor het delen van de Liefdevolle energie! Hartegroet voor u en Harm, André Hage
Judy van Osnabrugge@ 8:47am 07-12-2015
Be blessed! and thank you for these beautifull creations!
Ik zie u graag in Ootmarsum, eind augustus.
Judy van Osnabrugge@ 8:46am 07-12-2015
Be blessed! and thank you for these beautifull creations!
Ik zie u graag in Ootmarsum, eind augustus.
Stefan @ 8:04pm 04-25-2015
I was realy moved when I saw your Mother Mary today in the Pyramid.
The energy comming from the work went directly to my heart. Later when i looked realy close I was impressed by your craftsmanship and talent.
Thanks for your gift of love & beauty !
Stefan, keeper of the Pyramid in Gendt.
Stefan @ 8:02pm 04-25-2015
I was realy moved when I saw your Mother Mary today in the Pyramid.
The energy comming from the work went directly to my heart. Later when i looked realy close I was impressed by your craftsmanship and talent.
Thanks for your gift of love & beauty !
Stefan, keeper of the Pyramid in Gendt.
Beate Correa@ 4:27am 02-17-2015
How very special detailed work in honor of mother mary
Constance Ortiz@ 2:43am 12-30-2014
Such pure and beautiful work. I am deeply honored to see what you have created. May God continue to bless you with such an awe inspiring mission!

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